Random crossword
Random crossword
1 out of 60155 crosswords
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In the topic of your letter make sure to specify: "A crossword for the site".

We work with the following formats:
1) A miniature of the crossword (bmp, png, gif) – an image, which corresponds to the answer of the solved crossword.
2) Formats of the programs dealing with crosswords: JAC (JaC2a), JMP (JMPuzzles v1.6), JCD (PPPWorld), JCC (Japan).
3) Screenshot (bmp, jpg, png, gif) of the solved crossword.

Send a crossword with the help of the site

Crosswords are downloaded as pictures in the formats: GIF, PNG or BMP (each pixel of the image should correspond to one square of the crossword – that is to get a crossword size 30x30 squares, it is required to download a picture size 30x30 pixels). Also such formats as JAC (JaC2a), JCD (PPPWorld) and JMP (JMPuzzles v1.6) are supported.

* Sending a crossword with the help of this form, you confirm that you are the author of the crossword.