Random crossword
Random crossword
1 out of 58880 crosswords
Русский English


10 April 2016 | Changes on the site
List of changes:
1) Publication order of new crosswords has been changed: now they get straight to the main section (avoiding "Not rated").
2) "Private messages" have been added.
3) In the user's profile there has been added an option to delete the saved crosswords.
4) For crosswords with an unstable rating, their rating is shown by a dim light.
5) At the search crosswords page there has been added an option "Width/height multiple of 5".
Changes for authors of crosswords: there has been added an option to delete crosswords at early stages of checking.

4 February 2016 | Changes on the site
List of changes:
1) A new option "Automatic checking crosswords for mistakes" has been added.
2) A rare error of sending wrongly encoded letters has been corrected.
3) Time of auto-saving crosswords has been lessened from 10 to 5 minutes.
4) An error appearing with cancel of move after the prompt has been corrected.
5) For security purposes, the protocol of saving a crossword on the site has been changed.

8 January 2016 | Minor changes at the saving crossword page
For logged in users at the saving crossword page there has appeared an option "Save the crossword automatically each 10 minutes if it has no mistakes".

5 January 2016 | Changes on the site
On the page of crossword solution there has been added an option to cancel a move (it is possible to cancel only the moves made in the current session).

26 December 2015 | Changes on the site
At numerous requests, operation of the option "hide crossword titles" has been changed. Titles of unsolved crosswords are now hidden by default. There has been added a message with a suggestion to switch on showing crossword titles.

29 November 2015 | There has been launched registration on the site
There has been launched registration on the site. Saved crosswords and marks "solved" are now kept on the site and are available only after registration. Previously saved crosswords (which are now kept in the browser) can be transferred to the site in the personal account.
Other important changes:
1) On the page of crossword solution there appeared new options: "Switch on crossing out numbers automatically", "Fill the solved columns and lines with crosses", "The last crossed out number fills in the line/column with crosses" and "Switch on changing color by a click". Now there has been added the button "Mark the crossword as solved". The saved crosswords are presently downloaded automatically. There has been added representation of the author of the crossword.
2) There have been added titles of the Japanese crosswords and also a possibility to hide them.
3) On the site there appeared a new section: "Not rated". In this section there will be new crosswords waiting to be published in the main section. If a crossword in this section gets bad rates from the users – it will be removed from the site.
4) Comments to the crosswords are now published immediately. There has been added a possibility to rate the crossword without comments.
5) For registered users there has appeared the option "Hide solved crosswords" on the search page.
6) Speed on downloading the pages must be increased now due to the use of CDN technologies.

24 July 2013 | Starting the site
Today, after so many months of preparation and painstaking work, we are glad to report that our site is officially launched! Congratulations to everybody on this little holiday! We wish you to have a great pastime as we did our best for you personally.