Random crossword
Random crossword
1 out of 58880 crosswords
Русский English


Question: In my crosswords a grid has partially/completely disappeared.
Answer: In your browser setting for scale of the page is different from 100%
In most browsers change of the scale is the button Ctrl + mouse scroll. Also to set the scale at 100% a combination of buttons Ctrl+0 can be helpful (Press the button Ctrl and number 0 simultaneously).
Question: Where are the crosswords on your site from?
Answer: Most crosswords are sent to us by users – as a rule the "author" is written for such crossword. We also have a special team to collect, rate and add Japanese crosswords to our site from various sources: from different sites, outdated issues of magazines and newspapers, programmes, etc. We try not to violate anybody's copyright, but taking into consideration that on the Internet, in magazines and different programs crosswords are as a rule "borrowed" without asking for permission, it has become almost impossible. That’s why we apologize in advance and in case of breach of your copyright we ask you to write to our e-mail (q.v. section "Feedback").
Question: What is your attitude to Japanese crosswords with several variants of solution?
Answer: Extremely negative! We don’t place such crosswords on our site. Moreover, we disapprove of the crosswords which are impossible to solve by purely analytical methods and we don’t publish them on the site either. If there are admirers of this particular kind of crosswords among our users, we should disappoint them: you will not find such crosswords on our site…
Question: Do you check the crosswords for mistakes?
Answer: Yes, of course, we dedicate the main part of our work to it. But we surely do not check the crosswords manually, we have a special program for it, which checks if it is possible to do the Japanese crossword with the help of standard methods. That’s why we warrant that there are no mistakes in our crosswords and all of them are guaranteed to be solved. If you cannot do a crossword puzzle on our site, it means that either you have made a mistake in it, or you are trying to solve a crossword of too complicated level for you – ask your friends for help (or in our group in Facebook).
Question: How is difficulty of a crossword rated?
Answer: A crossword is primarily rated by computer – that is for new crosswords a rate given by computer is always shown. But a computer may fail to rate difficulty of a crossword correctly, that is why this rate is always "corrected" by user's rates. In crosswords with an unstable rating difficulty is shown by "dim" stars.
Question: What is rating “picture” at a crossword? What does it mean and how is it rated?
Answer: This rate means beauty of the picture which will be the result of solving the Japanese crossword. It is rated by a person only as answer to the question: "how much is the crossword a pearl of the collection?". Initially a crossword is published with the rating 2.5 stars. In crosswords with an unstable rating difficulty is shown by "dim" stars.
Question: How to use an online-crossword?
  1. For the correct work of an online-crossword we recommend to use the following browsers:
    • Mozilla Firefox version 3.0.0 (or higher)
    • Internet Explorer 6 (or higher)
    • Safari
    • Google Chrome
    We strongly recommend not to use the browser “Opera” – it has no functioning of the right click of the mouse and no request for confirmation to leave the page.
    In the browser it is necessary to switch on display of pictures and switch on JavaScript (if it is off).
  2. While solving a Japanese crossword you use: a left and a right single click of the mouse. For colour Japanese crosswords you may use numbers on the keyboard (when using a number panel on the keyboard make sure NumLock is on). The rest of the keys and/or combination of keys operate directly the browser and depend on the browser.
  3. For colour crosswords there is a panel for choosing the colour displayed on the top: you can choose the current colour by clicking (a left or a right click of the mouse) on the corresponding colour. To choose the colour you can also press the number of the corresponding colour on the keyboard. In the upper left hand corner of the crossword you can see the current colour displayed. Click on it (a left or a right click of the mouse) to choose the next colour.
  4. At the bottom of the page you can adjust mode of operation of the crossword. Changing them makes it possible to adjust work more convenient for you.
  5. A left click of the mouse:
    • on the empty square of the crossword – to put a painted square of the current colour.
    • on already painted square:
      • if the colour of the square coincides with the current colour (or if there is “Ignore the colour while clicking a painted square” option on) – the square will become empty (without any marks)
      • if the colour of the square doesn’t coincide with the current colour – the square will be painted the current colour
      • if there is “a second left click puts a cross” option on and the colour of the square coincides with the current colour (if there is “Ignore the colour while clicking a painted square” option on) – a cross is put (a mark “exactly empty square”).
    • on a square with a cross:
      • the square will be painted the current colour.
      • if there is “a second left click puts a cross” option on – the square will become empty.
    • on the number (upper and left number panel of the crossword):
      • the number is crossed out
      • for colour crosswords, if there is “a left click on the number chooses the colour” option on – the current colour is chosen.
  6. A right click of the mouse:
    • on the empty square of the crossword – a cross is put.
    • on already painted square – a cross is put.
    • on the number (upper and left number panel of the crossword) – the number is crossed out.
  7. To paint a succession of squares, pull the cursor while holding the button of the mouse – it works with both, the left and the right click of the mouse. For numbers this function is disabled as not necessary. In some browsers slowing down may occur.
  8. The button “Clear up the crossword” at the bottom of the page clears up the crossword of all the marks completely and resets the timer.
  9. The button “Check the crossword” at the bottom of the page checks the crossword for mistakes (the mistakes will be crossed by a red cross), and checks the crossword for solution (to check the solution of the crossword it is not necessary to fill in all the empty squares with crosses).
  10. The buttons “Save” and “Download” allow to save and download the current solution of the crossword directly in Your browser, using possibilities of HTML 5 (DOM Storage). In outdated browsers, which do not support this technology, the buttons of saving and downloading the crossword will not be active.
  11. Check of the solution of the crossword is made automatically. Check for mistakes in the crossword is made only by clicking the button “Check the crossword”.
  12. On the top of the page there is a timer – a simple stopwatch for you to know how long you have been solving the crossword. To switch it off, there is an option “Hide the timer” at the bottom of the page.
  13. When in a line (or in a column) of the crossword the last number is crossed out – all the empty squares in the line (or in the column) are filled with crosses. To switch this function off, there is an option “The last crossed out number fills in the line/column with crosses” at the bottom of the page.