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Japanese crossword «Pen and Ink»

Size: 20x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:11.09.16Author: KsandReaL

Palouday (13 July 2017, 6:51) complain
Finished product looks so simple but getting to it was pleasant.
FellHarbor (25 August 2017, 23:34) complain
If I'm being nit-picky, I think the quill bit should be just a bit longer, maybe 3-4 blocks. But still such a lovely idea for an image - good job!
QuazzleTheQaz (11 May 2018, 15:31) complain
no detail on the feather, but recognizable in the end nevertheless
Celandine (3 May 2021, 17:51) complain
I usually don't like these where you can fill in most of the squares easily but then have to work gradually around the edges, but somehow I enjoyed this one. Maybe because it's small.
GoopyLady20 (13 December 2023, 0:42) complain
Ah yes, gaping void and ink bottle. XD. I do agree with FellHarbor, could definitely use a touch more quill. Loved this!
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