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Japanese crossword «School Days...»

Size: 35x40Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:22.09.18Author: Music

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Otelia_Dean (24 September 2018, 0:15) complain
Thanks for the puzzle. I am finding it difficult to identify the picture, though.
nonolearner (26 September 2018, 0:01) complain
I can make out a satchel I think, but can't tell what the rest is
Guest: Luke (27 September 2018, 2:56) complain
The thing in the background is a globe.
deidaq (24 May 2019, 18:37) complain
I agree, the image is unclear. Given the title, you can start to make out various objects. This was fun to solve, though.
MuckTheSystem (23 March 2021, 4:17) complain
They gave 4 stars to this messy, ugly picture.
Absolutely nothing but stupidity ...
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