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Japanese crossword «Cat neatnik»

Size: 37x22Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:11.10.18Author: Ol_Ga

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John_Robertshaw (20 October 2018, 12:45) complain
Olga! So gifted!
Jose_Duran_Granados (7 November 2018, 9:14) complain
Sheryl_Hill (30 November 2018, 7:42) complain
Thank you, Olga! Spasibo!
Femme_Appeal (25 December 2018, 11:52) complain
Very artful, in both image and title!

At first I'm thinking that it's a translation thing, because the title makes no sense to me. But as I'm searching out a reference I realize it's one of those times in your life, where you discover you learned the meaning of a word solely from context. So, because you never looked it up, you didn't know the full meaning of a word even though you've used it correctly for decades.

I would never associate the term "neatnik" with personal hygiene. For whatever reason my only association with the word has been tidiness and being fastidious about your home, your room, etc. Neatness of space, not of self. But, looking at the OED definition, I also had no idea it was the opposite of "beatnik." Knowing that part of the definition, it makes perfect sense as a title for a cat cleaning itself.
show: 1 🗨
Chorton (20 November 2023, 0:22) complain
Thanks for the explanation!
Karal_Daskin (4 March 2019, 9:04) complain
brumeux77 (6 April 2019, 19:25) complain
Unfortunately the head and forepaw merge together at this level of definition. I did guess what it was supposed to be, but really it just looks like a cat with a significantly deformed head. (That being said, I should add that I have no reason to suppose that I could do half so well myself.)
lulurose (17 May 2021, 7:54) complain
Nice, thanks
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