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Japanese crossword «Satyr»

Size: 19x21Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:01.05.19Author: GUMPERT

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John_Robertshaw (2 May 2019, 11:29) complain
Very good - just pleased that it did not depict one very outstanding characteristic of this being - (a quick Google search of the title will reveal all!)
show: 2 🗨
ddog (4 May 2019, 20:39) complain
Silversong101 (6 May 2019, 5:01) complain
haha you mean the "exaggerated you-know-what"
Corpore (2 May 2019, 11:58) complain
lizizno1 (2 May 2019, 15:48) complain
OK picture and fun to solve
rubikking (5 May 2019, 20:41) complain
evil ;)
Guest: LiaD (6 May 2019, 1:20) complain
Did not find this easy. Used guesswork in early stages
MoiIndeed (6 May 2019, 5:10) complain
Ha! Not what I was expecting. I was thinking dragon at first.
Guest: Eli (7 May 2019, 19:05) complain
show: 6 🗨
lkrsfn (8 May 2019, 8:37) complain
See the 6 in the top row. Imagine the 6 was put as far left as possible. That would cause the 4 in the first column to be as far up as possible, and the first 2 on the second row conflicts with the first 1 in the second column. So the 6 is not in the far left (the top left corner is X). You can use a technique like this in a lot of places, especially in this puzzle.
show: 2 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (9 May 2019, 15:56) complain
Wow! You're a lot smarter than I am! I would never have thought of that kind of technique!
neenubob (9 June 2019, 15:33) complain
This trick is amazing, thank you for this! Reply
neenubob (9 June 2019, 15:33) complain
This trick is amazing, thank you for this!
show: 1 🗨
Chorton (13 December 2023, 7:05) complain
I call this trick edgology
Guest: terkio (21 April 2020, 23:52) complain
This trick is to make legitimate guesses. This ususally works in corners with a long sequence.
So try a sequence at a corner. Work all consequences until you are fed up or encounter a contradiction. Doing so, do not care of the automatic checker, this would be cheating. If you encounter a contradiction you can undo and then you know the sequence you tried cannot be there, so you can cross out one cell. If fed up, you undo and know nothing more.
It is a slow process but it cracks the most difficult puzzles.
It is no cheating because you make the automatic checker silent, or do not lsten to him.
Pablodibu (14 May 2019, 14:55) complain
Too much work for such a scrawl. Painful waste of time...
pmcatnip (15 May 2019, 19:22) complain
This is significantly harder to get started than other medium-difficulty puzzles. I immediately got about 25 squares and then spent 20 minutes staring at it with no progress and gave up.
Good puzzle at this size and difficulty.
smartymarty (13 July 2019, 10:14) complain
very clever puzzle. you dont need guesswork, but often there is only one single cell that will go. Well done!
Guest: iogurte (20 August 2019, 3:40) complain
Phew.. Took me exactly one hour. Felt like a noob :(
Sheryl_Hill (19 September 2019, 23:00) complain
This should be difficulty 3 as it requires the use of all the "methods of solving." I re-read the methods and studied the last one... and still made mistakes.
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