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Japanese crossword «Grape»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:01.07.19Author: iriscavra

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Joaquin (2 July 2019, 1:45) complain
number blocks are too small for such a big picture, it makes the counting of spaces difficult and you are more likely to lose count. It's also annoying because the cluster that form could be anything along the line since most numbers are small enough to fit.
OhioGirl (2 July 2019, 2:33) complain
A bit of challenge, nice. Picture is kind of visible from this screen, maybe better on thumbnail. Thanks
show: 1 🗨
OhioGirl (2 July 2019, 2:34) complain
Very beautiful in thumbnail!!. This makes the challenge worth it.
Deb54 (2 July 2019, 22:20) complain
That was fun!!!
Otelia_Dean (3 July 2019, 6:48) complain
not so easy to start, but it flows once you start. thanks
OMTEmaM (3 July 2019, 15:42) complain
More tedious than difficult. A challenge in concentration, not solving skill. Nice picture.
deidaq (3 July 2019, 21:42) complain
This was so difficult to get started. Once it finally caught, it flowed pretty nicely, but still took time. I think I actually worked on this one pretty consistently, and it took almost 3 hours. Cool concept for an image, and it works well.
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