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Japanese crossword «Japan»

Size: 20x20Picture:5/10Difficulty:4/10Added:20.09.19Author: svetka1

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JayH (21 September 2019, 0:28) complain
Kind of hard to make out what it is, even with the title... but I *think* I get it.
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Risus_Khan (21 September 2019, 1:24) complain
I dont
Sheryl_Hill (21 September 2019, 3:03) complain
I think it's a tree growing against the side of a Japanese house. Tree on left, tiers of house on right .
Thank you for your first crossword, Svetka! Beautiful! Really fun to solve! More puzzles please!!!
Corpore (21 September 2019, 10:16) complain
Nice try
nonolearner (21 September 2019, 10:59) complain
i am with the 'I dont get it' side. I see the tree, the rest is a mystery
Chorton (21 September 2019, 11:49) complain
I think its Mt. Fuji
John_Robertshaw (21 September 2019, 12:55) complain
Oh - come on you lot - it's obvious!!!

It's a VERY stylised map of the country - can you not see it???

(They're coming to take me away - ha ha he he)
John_Robertshaw (21 September 2019, 12:56) complain
It is very good - but could someone please explain the 3 squares on the far right???
ggg (21 September 2019, 16:53) complain
It's nothing without the title unless you want people to think it's an evil tree shooting lighting.
Guest: Puzzlings (22 September 2019, 4:50) complain
What the f*ck is this and what the hell does it have to do with Japan?
pants (24 September 2019, 1:41) complain
a strech
bamachile (24 September 2019, 18:22) complain
It's a tough image to capture on a small nono. Spoiler alert - AIt appears to me to be a bonsai on the left, another tree on the right, with a rising sun in the background, very much Japanese
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veso (24 September 2019, 21:52) complain
Oh, now that you said that I can see it. But like John_Robertshaw asked: what's with the 3 squares on the far right?
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SylverDragon (16 October 2019, 0:14) complain
It's the top of the tree on the right.
The-Nono-Gram (16 January 2022, 6:41) complain
So, I read all of the spoilers and I don't actually get it. I wonder why the artist didn't pop in to explain?
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munkin (23 March 2024, 21:30) complain
Thanks -- that's what I was imagining after squinting at it and reading the comments -- a cherry blossom tree on the left and a pagoda on the right. Very ambitious and lovely, if difficult to make out!
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