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Japanese crossword «Equanimity»

Size: 15x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:06.06.20Author: Lalopop

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3strikesurout (7 June 2020, 5:46) complain
I don't think I understand this one. It just looks weird to me.
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Amanmir (7 June 2020, 8:15) complain
I think it's a dog on a leash pouncing on another creature which is totally unbothered (hence the name of the puzzle)
The-Nono-Gram (7 June 2020, 8:32) complain
I am as confused as 3striesurout but, I can kinda see what Amanmir sees if I try hard enough. I'll accept that explanation.
JordiZM (7 June 2020, 12:37) complain
Es bueno usar imágenes abstractas en las que el autor, Lalopop, muestra su estado de ánimo y al mismo tiempo genera una cierta provocación. Aunque a diferencia de una pintura aquí lo que cuenta es el ejercicio mental, el paso a paso y el estado de ánimo que nos genera.
Celandine (8 June 2020, 16:01) complain
It's a big animal threatening a small cat. It makes sense that the big one is a dog, though it looks a little like a mouse
pikakat (17 June 2020, 18:56) complain
wow this puzzle took me a few days to complete, doing it on and off when I had time. thanks for the challenge!
Stephanie_Cummings (18 June 2020, 15:43) complain
I ended up saving this puzzle and returning to it the next day because for some reason I was stuck. When I came back, the next move jumped right out at me, like how could I have missed that?
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sstjeb (28 May 2021, 18:55) complain
I have had this happen too.

I didn't actually have much difficulty with this puzzle though.
markceck (18 June 2020, 17:33) complain
I wanted to solve this puzzle without using hints and I did it but I've gone to a great deal of trouble!
JackBrody (22 June 2020, 17:46) complain
Now this one was hard! The picture is ... peculiar.
Chorton (10 August 2020, 5:05) complain
No hints and 9 mins 50. quickest Lalopop I have done!!
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Shaggz (17 September 2020, 5:29) complain
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hannahd (28 September 2020, 21:35) complain
6:47 :D, never done a Lalopop without hints so fast!
Lyman_Zerga (31 August 2020, 12:51) complain
I started without the use of X's but I had a hard time concentrating and had to give up. Back to normal it was pretty straight forward.
It's a superb pic with lots of expression in it, but I have no idea how it relates to the title.
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Author Lalopop (7 September 2020, 15:09) complain
As was mentioned above, it's a dog on a leash pouncing on a cat which is totally unbothered. Google gave me "equanimity" instead of "unbotheredness".
Janet (14 September 2020, 8:02) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
smkim000 (16 March 2021, 7:47) complain
jmc338 (12 November 2022, 9:49) complain
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