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Japanese crossword «Leaf»

Size: 16x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:21.12.20Author: seans

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Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (22 December 2020, 0:47) complain
Trickier than it looked. Liked!
talkofthetown (22 December 2020, 2:23) complain
I don't like seeing this kind of drug references on a family site. Not tricky at all. Very easy.
show: 12 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (22 December 2020, 2:49) complain
I think it's a maple
The-Nono-Gram (22 December 2020, 8:47) complain
A pot leaf has 7 leaves. I just looked it up.
show: 9 🗨
Onono (23 December 2020, 6:56) complain
Does each of those leaves have 7 leaves? Where does it end?
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talkofthetown (24 December 2020, 0:33) complain
That would be a larger puzzle. This is obviously small. Please stop smoking your leaves, you are confused.
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Onono (24 December 2020, 0:45) complain
You might want to talk to your doctor about that paranoia ... or change your own smoking habits.
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John_Robertshaw (24 December 2020, 16:25) complain
Infamy, infamy!
They've all got it infamy!
Onono (24 December 2020, 22:55) complain
For the record, it ends at St. Ives.
show: 3 🗨
brumeux77 (4 August 2021, 22:09) complain
One. "I" was the one going to St. Ives.
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Onono (5 August 2021, 4:17) complain
I always thought it could be two, or up to 2801. There might have been a time when meeting someone when travelling meant that you were going in opposite directions, but current usage could mean to introduce yourself to someone going in the same direction (on the same train, perhaps); and the man "with" seven wives has seven wives, but it doesn't mean that they were all with him at that moment. I don't know why anyone would count wives and cats, and god forbid, sacks, together. But you would know best; you were there.
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brumeux77 (5 August 2021, 16:27) complain
Well, of course you're right--I am that old. :)

But also with all the rest. An argument I've made myself. But as the only possible reason for such a stupid question is to make someone do all the ridiculous math(s), I grudgingly submit to the simple answer.

(And you have to count the sacks--"kits, cats, sacks, wives--how many ... ?")
John_Robertshaw (24 December 2020, 16:23) complain
Oh course you did!
Celandine (1 July 2023, 4:12) complain
It could be a lot of different kinds of leaves - it looks most like sweet gum to me.
kiraskywalker (22 December 2020, 5:00) complain
is this marinara
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The-Nono-Gram (22 December 2020, 8:48) complain
Not with 5 leaves.
Catgoose (22 December 2020, 9:07) complain
no it's maple
talkofthetown (22 December 2020, 10:53) complain
I think so. This site is pushing a drug agenda.
bisondele (22 December 2020, 23:28) complain
i would advise anyone to NOT smoke marinara sauce
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Onono (23 December 2020, 6:55) complain
John_Robertshaw (24 December 2020, 16:19) complain
The earliest citation of the presence of tomato sauce is from a 1692 Italian cookbook. It is suggested that marinara is named for Italian sailors, or marinai. They sailed the ships that participated in the sea trade that brought goods from all around the world to Italy.
3strikesurout (22 December 2020, 5:36) complain
I know you've made a lot of these lately, but this is an excellent one!
The-Nono-Gram (22 December 2020, 8:47) complain
Indeed this was tricky.
Catgoose (22 December 2020, 9:06) complain
HeatherF (22 December 2020, 9:12) complain
This is very similar to the leaves they used to put in the margins of 14th century French manuscripts. A lovely shape, one I have drawn a lot over the years.
show: 1 🗨
Onono (23 December 2020, 7:02) complain
And if it hadn't been for that leaf, Fermat would have had room to write his proof.
torwul (22 December 2020, 19:25) complain
Nice challenge. Thank you.
wisekaren (22 December 2020, 20:47) complain
Wow, this turned out to be much harder than I expected! Well done!
bisondele (22 December 2020, 23:28) complain
nice drawing! i wish i could smoke it
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Maburg (7 August 2023, 19:00) complain
Never heard that anyone smokes maple leaves...
lilymoth (2 October 2023, 23:50) complain
amazing comments everybody. is this marinara. obsessed
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