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Japanese crossword «The fate of the sinner»

Size: 20x20Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:27.03.15

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Guest: ggg (11 August 2015, 5:40) complain
Get me outta this thing!
Guest: frida (27 October 2015, 1:12) complain
someone cooking? in a kettle?
Guest: adminusff (5 January 2016, 22:08) complain
Hitler in the land of cannibals
Christiana_Bradshaw (20 September 2016, 7:17) complain
It DOES kinda look like Hitler!
Jose_Duran_Granados (17 March 2017, 2:38) complain
Carol_Colbert (26 June 2017, 21:54) complain
me, enjoying a hot tub :)
Sheryl_Hill (22 December 2017, 21:42) complain
I was offended by the image at first as so many people fail to understand that in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, God's love is unconditional, unchanging, and universal. But then it occurred to me that we all get in hot water now and then and if I ignore the offensive title, it's an amusing image and of unusually good quality in the thumbnail. (If you care, according to all three religions, the experience of hell is a result of the pain of turning our backs on God. Even Dante has a sign over the gate to hell that say something like "Enter, all you who choose to do so.") But as y'all figured out, humor works better than fear...
show: 1 🗨
brumeux77 (24 November 2020, 23:15) complain
The sign actually says "Abandon hope, all you who enter".
TimC (8 March 2018, 3:36) complain
I suspect the title is the result of political correctness... The 'burning' of hell will probably be more like an internal burning of regret - and without any comfort. We only have this life to choose God or reject Him. Hell exists to answer the prayers of atheists.
JayH (30 November 2018, 22:24) complain
...is to become a cannibal?
andy11 (7 September 2021, 11:16) complain
Looks like a man in a giant teacup to me...
blindman (20 December 2023, 20:30) complain
Sinners get hot tubs! Whooo-eee!
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