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Japanese crossword «Taekwondo»

Size: 38x41Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:06.08.21Author: wrozlaw

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Onono (7 August 2021, 2:59) complain
Taekwondo was no help to me the time when I got my shoelace stuck in the elevator door.
show: 4 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (7 August 2021, 17:38) complain
Hahaha! Good to see someone else on wrozlaw's puzzles. Spread the word...no more Russian rebus puzzles, and this series of images has been fantastic!
show: 3 🗨
Onono (8 August 2021, 2:44) complain
I'm not going to tell an artist what to create. And I know how hard it is for Americans to get their heads around the idea that there are cultures beyond the USA.
show: 2 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (8 August 2021, 15:57) complain
Sorry, I said this wrong. I meant spread the word to our fellow puzzle solvers about these new puzzles by this artist. I may be wrong, but I have been feeling like solvers have eventually avoided wrozlaw's puzzles, assuming they were rhebus. I only feel this because of the lack of comments. Personally I like them and have several tabs open with the Russian alphabet and translation dictionary trying to solve it. I do wish there was a way to get the correct answer or confirmation of guesses.
show: 1 🗨
Onono (9 August 2021, 5:21) complain
Yes, it would be useful to have explanations of the rebus puzzles. I'm impressed that you can even make an attempt to solve them.
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