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Japanese crossword «Flower»

Size: 30x20Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:08.10.15Author: irina

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grady (18 January 2016, 23:09) complain
The calculation of how hard a puzzle is should include a factor for trickiness because there are a bunch of 2 star puzzles that I have to go back and retry a billion times because I keep goofing up somewhere in the solving.
rovena (21 January 2016, 21:18) complain
but this one was easy and nice
Christiana_Bradshaw (4 November 2016, 6:22) complain
Agreed, ggg. The ratings are not entirely consistent.
Femme_Appeal (21 November 2016, 2:26) complain
The issue is that we are all gauging difficulty on different scales. For instance, if a puzzle cannot be solved without guessing or using hints, I immediately gauge it as at least above average, but I'm sure not everyone has the same rating. They need to have a list of criteria they'd like us to rate the difficulty by, to improve consistency.
Jose_Duran_Granados (17 February 2017, 4:06) complain
Karal_Daskin (4 February 2018, 11:21) complain
Good point, Femme.
Celandine (25 January 2021, 16:26) complain
Looks like Rafflesia
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (12 August 2021, 9:47) complain
Thanks for the introduction to something new.
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