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Japanese crossword «Bear»

Size: 20x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:07.11.15Author: FredTheDog

Guest: me! (25 March 2016, 21:50) complain
I would have guessed bulldog
show: 1 🗨
Celandine (3 February 2021, 17:58) complain
Me, too
Guest: Cthulhu (5 July 2016, 18:57) complain
Creepy nipple bear
FellHarbor (12 July 2016, 18:27) complain
Hahaha! Cthulhu, I think those are the inside lines for his front legs. But now I can't see anything else. XD Curious about the background object; makes me think of a doghouse.
Jaylee_James (16 July 2016, 1:10) complain
Cthulu has ruined the cute bear for me. hahaha. cute bear, cast out of the log cabin he once called his home, now forced to roam the countryside with strange nipples
thatoneguy314 (16 July 2016, 15:29) complain
Totally thought it was a dog the entire time. If enough of us think it's not a bear, does it mean it's not a bear?

Regardless, those are some impressive nipples for a bear or a dog!
Christiana_Bradshaw (3 September 2016, 7:39) complain
I think a lot of the titles were added later than the puzzles themselves.
Femme_Appeal (5 November 2016, 9:34) complain
Whatever kind of animal it is, the eyes suggest he's been naughty. :) But I think the small house in the background reinforces the notion that it's a dog.
Guest: Pieta (10 November 2016, 22:57) complain
hahaha. Nipple bear!!! Thats a good one.
Corpore (28 December 2016, 20:44) complain
It is a dog and it is upset
Guest: Syl (10 September 2019, 6:13) complain
I thought it was a tiger but when I saw the title I saw that it looked more like a bear than a tiger. I thought a tiger because I thought it might be a jungle hut in the corner.
mrneil6 (30 January 2022, 21:50) complain
Not going to worry about the "spoiler" as everyone else has already discussed...

I'm thinking that those who say it is a dog are absolutely correct, and the structure to the top right is the doghouse. I'm assuming that Bear is the name of the creator's dog.
show: 1 🗨
munkin (30 May 2023, 0:19) complain
I like this explanation! Brings it all together nicely. :) And by the way, this puzzle almost "forced" me into taking a hint... I found it to be quite tough for its size!
Chorton (26 September 2023, 13:53) complain
Na! Its Fred the Dog.
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