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Japanese crossword «Scythian»

Size: 45x50Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:28.10.21Author: Tverianka

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zonderorg3n (29 October 2021, 11:53) complain
I... don't know what it is?
show: 1 🗨
wisekaren (29 October 2021, 15:50) complain
Per Wikipedia: "The Scythians or Scyths were an ancient nomadic people living primarily in the region known as Scythia, which today comprises the Eurasian steppes of Kazakhstan, Russian steppes of the Siberian, Ural, Volga and Southern regions, and eastern Ukraine."
wisekaren (29 October 2021, 15:51) complain
As usual, that took hard work and was very satisfying to solve! Thanks!
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