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Japanese crossword «Old TV»

Size: 20x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:12.12.21Author: NapA

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Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (13 December 2021, 1:21) complain
Analog, even.
Ageleni (13 December 2021, 3:54) complain
Back when we had three channels and had to get up from the couch to change them.
The-Nono-Gram (13 December 2021, 9:31) complain
Who you callin' old?
Puzzled (13 December 2021, 12:07) complain
My brother made a remote for one like this. It was a long stick with a slot in the end that fit over the channel selector knob.
show: 2 🗨
Voet11 (13 December 2021, 14:11) complain
My father made a remote for this...it was me!
show: 1 🗨
Nikki3851 (13 December 2021, 19:47) complain
This deserves a LOL
andy11 (13 December 2021, 15:05) complain
Going by the comments there are quite a few golden olddies on here (including me) and yet no one has mentioned black and white...until now.
show: 1 🗨
brumeux77 (4 January 2022, 5:32) complain
I remember when shows were changing over to color one by one. Even on our b&w you could see the difference.
elftrees (13 December 2021, 15:22) complain
We used to rearrange the bunny ears AND thwack it on the side if the VHF stations (remember them?) were snowy. A whole different vocabulary from tech nowadays.NOSTALGIA RULES!
QueenCC (13 December 2021, 18:44) complain
I was shocked when I saw "The Wizard of Oz" the first time on TV. The color was so vivid, the scenery so lush. We had a B&W one until this movie came to TV. Even then, it was a hefty set. We also lived 2 doors down from the man who invented the color TV tube. Another factoid from the miscellaneous & often unneeded trivia brain.
QueenCC (13 December 2021, 18:46) complain
And about getting old ... I'm starting to wear my age like a crown. I still cover up those white hairs, but I feel like I'm entering a new phase of life where I have more wisdom, including knowing how very much I don't know. Now if I could only get my body to agree with my brain!
show: 1 🗨
brumeux77 (4 January 2022, 5:34) complain
I've seen a T-shirt that sums it up perfectly. It reads something like this: "I'm at that age where my mind says I'm 29, my sense of humor says I'm 12, and my body says 'Are you sure you're not dead?' "
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