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Japanese crossword «Ostrich»

Size: 30x18Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:20.01.22Author: Ol_Ga

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Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (21 January 2022, 1:04) complain
Nice - simple.
nthpijots (21 January 2022, 4:38) complain
Another one! They're everywhere!
The-Nono-Gram (21 January 2022, 6:44) complain
OK, so it is not a wicked M & M wielding a wicked hook.
show: 2 🗨
John_Robertshaw (24 January 2022, 15:59) complain
How is it that you can see things that lesser mortals can't?

Bet you drive inkblot therapists insane!

P.S. - I saw it too
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (24 January 2022, 21:05) complain
Aphantasia: The inability to visualize images describes me very well.
brumeux77 (24 January 2022, 19:45) complain
I was sure it was going to be one of those Empire stalking thingies from Star Wars.
andy11 (31 May 2022, 17:25) complain
The image is stretching it a little!
jackabee (1 November 2023, 15:48) complain
Wonderful and fun. Made me smile,
Celandine (12 January 2024, 17:21) complain
The ostrich used to be a wonderful and useful metaphor back when we believed that these big birds would bury their heads in the sand and think that they were hiding. I remember back in 1971 or 72, when our 6th grade teacher returned rather upset from lunch in the faculty room saying, "Mrs L called me an ostrich!" Her son was in our class, too. I suspect it was about the Vietnam War, though it could have been something else.
show: 1 🗨
Celandine (12 January 2024, 17:23) complain
I wonder how that belief, that could have been straight out of a medieval bestiary, persisted so long into the 20th century.
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