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Japanese crossword «Kokopelli (Goddess of Fertility)»

Size: 15x35Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:27.01.22Author: mrneil6

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andy11 (28 January 2022, 11:27) complain
Interesting picture.
show: 1 🗨
hulyacinar65 (28 January 2022, 17:13) complain
Ruddles1325 (28 January 2022, 18:15) complain
Nice idea to do this. You see this figure everywhere in New Mexico.
show: 3 🗨
Author mrneil6 (28 January 2022, 20:20) complain
I have to confess, I saw someone mention that they thought a puzzle was going to be this, and thought, "Hey, that's a good idea!" So, I made one!
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The-Nono-Gram (29 January 2022, 4:53) complain
Someone did that for me with the Koolaid pitcher. BTW, welcome relatively new artist!
show: 1 🗨
Author mrneil6 (29 January 2022, 19:52) complain
Thanks! I'd been trying for a while to get one published, but kept getting various errors (and a few that were refused by moderators for no apparent reason) - finally getting it working though!
brumeux77 (2 February 2022, 1:19) complain
I knew the answer maybe a quarter of a third of the way in, but it was really nice to watch it take shape.
show: 2 🗨
brumeux77 (2 February 2022, 1:20) complain
That's a quarter OR a third, not a twelfth.
show: 1 🗨
Author mrneil6 (5 February 2022, 2:01) complain
Chorton (4 March 2022, 6:02) complain
I thought it was someone playing a horn, and then found out it was!!!
Celandine (19 January 2024, 21:04) complain
This is a great picture and fun puzzle, thank you! Not trying to be a pain, but according to my research, Kokopelli is actually a fertility god, masculine. The Hopi say he carries babies on his back and distributes them to women. Some representations of him make it very obvious that he is male.
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