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Japanese crossword «Pigeons»

Size: 25x25Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:28.01.22Author: NapA

The-Nono-Gram (29 January 2022, 6:55) complain
Oh Pigoff :-)
andy11 (29 January 2022, 15:41) complain
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag...
John_Robertshaw (29 January 2022, 18:44) complain
I live near the beach - reminds me of the seagulls I see out at sea, over the sea and near the sea. Once I even saw the seagulls playing on the see-saw near the sea.
show: 4 🗨
brumeux77 (2 February 2022, 17:09) complain
You may not know, being over there in Yorkshire, but the state of Utah is two states away from the nearest ocean. And not our dinky states either. But the state bird of Utah is the seagull. The reason? There was once a plague of locusts devastating the Utahan crops. But a flock (or a hundred flocks or something) of seagulls appeared, apparently having followed those yummy locusts and gobbled them all up, saving Utah from the inevitable famine.
show: 3 🗨
Eighmy (4 February 2022, 2:42) complain
Thanks for the story! I didn't know that.
John_Robertshaw (4 February 2022, 15:41) complain
Nah then - they were Yorkshire seagulls following the notorious Yorkshire locusts!

Since they hit Utah we haven't seen a single locust!
Maburg (17 February 2022, 8:10) complain
Wow!That was really a good thing! Well done to adopt it like the bird of the state!
Ellymayc (27 July 2022, 10:56) complain
Fun image AND I learned something - perfect puzzle :)
kaatjeflipse (31 October 2022, 12:26) complain
QueenCC (3 January 2024, 22:01) complain
Here I was thinking it might be 2 calling birds?
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