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Japanese crossword «Duck»

Size: 15x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:03.02.22Author: NapA

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The-Nono-Gram (4 February 2022, 9:12) complain
Where do duck farts come from?

Their buttquacks.
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QueenCC (4 February 2022, 20:36) complain
Great LOL!

What do you call a duck that steals things from the bathroom?

A robber ducky.
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The-Nono-Gram (4 February 2022, 22:19) complain
That's funny!
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3strikesurout (5 February 2022, 6:40) complain
So a duck walks into a library and takes out a book. The next day the duck comes back into the library and takes out another book. So the librarian says "If that duck comes back in here, I'm going to follow him wherever he goes. The next day the duck comes back in, and surely, he takes out another book. So the librarian follows the duck to the pond and over to the lily pad where the frog says, "Read it!"
show: 2 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (5 February 2022, 7:54) complain
Lots of good jokes out there for this one. Thanks for yours.
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3strikesurout (5 February 2022, 11:23) complain
You can thank my uncle for that one. It's his joke.
Maburg (18 March 2022, 15:15) complain
Inded, good one!
deuteronimus (4 February 2022, 12:37) complain
Lovely little picture, just the right feel
elftrees (4 February 2022, 16:57) complain
Loved this one. I was able to get through til almost the end without any wrong squares--a first for me! Doing B & W nonos is so completely different than doing the colored ones--both are fun, but in very different ways. In any case, this result was good--and so straightforward!
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (4 February 2022, 22:21) complain
I totally agree with your assessment on the difference.
QueenCC (4 February 2022, 20:37) complain
Must be a male-lard, his tail is curled. Really.
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