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Japanese crossword «Caught»

Size: 45x34Picture:6/10Difficulty:6/10Added:09.03.22Author: wrozlaw

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Mister_Stryker (10 March 2022, 14:35) complain
Can anyone tell me what I am looking at? Sorry I can't see it with the title and the thumbnail. :(
show: 2 🗨
variation31 (10 March 2022, 20:28) complain
Spoiler unavoidable - I see a fisherman who's hooked the seat of his trousers.
The background doesn't help.
show: 1 🗨
Mister_Stryker (10 March 2022, 21:07) complain
OKay now I see that part of it. I seriously thought it was a flatten spider caught in a book or flypaper and everything around it was it's web. Your title is a lot better for me. Thanks.
wisekaren (10 March 2022, 16:42) complain
No idea!
kerwincormier (10 March 2022, 19:43) complain
Looks like maybe a duck? a person? in overalls leaning to the right with a fishing pole. The face part is unclear, though. Maybe the fish came back and hit him in the face? LOL
Cynthiaskid (12 March 2022, 0:16) complain
DUH. I agree with all the above comments. What is it?
Loretta_Garrigan (14 March 2022, 16:09) complain
It looks like a dog fishing that has caught his pants with the hook. (His tail is to the left of his pants.) It shows up clearer in the thumbnail, especially the face.
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