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Japanese crossword «Sun»

Size: 15x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:13.07.22Author: mindscrub

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marina_v (13 July 2022, 23:44) complain
Now I get it why they're called sunglasses.
bisondele (14 July 2022, 3:10) complain
i wanna say this a dumb puzzle but what else did I expect from a seans. so thats really my fault.

also why does a sun need to wear sunglasses? how is he protecting his vision when he is literally the source of blinding light?
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bisondele (14 July 2022, 3:10) complain
lol i'm mistaken, its a mindscrub puzzle. even worse!
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Author mindscrub (14 July 2022, 5:03) complain
lol, ty!
The-Nono-Gram (15 July 2022, 8:46) complain
I like that mindscrub did a beginner puzzle. It helps beginners to know that even they can do a mindscrub puzzle. It's less intimidating once you get one under your belt.
ultracritical (17 July 2022, 13:06) complain
Are you a jerk because you find it funny? Or is that just your natural disposition? I know you won't respond since you never do so I'll just enjoy the last word here.
Onono (14 July 2022, 5:05) complain
Indeed; but when I get a fusion chain reaction going in my head, I grab whatever comfort I can find.
Anaderol (14 July 2022, 22:17) complain
Because the sun is super cool ... like those who wear sunglasses at night or indoors - all the sun need is a backwards baseball cap ...or even better ...sideways
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The-Nono-Gram (15 July 2022, 8:46) complain
I love your thinking on this one!
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Anaderol (16 July 2022, 1:38) complain
The-Nono-Gram (15 July 2022, 8:47) complain
BTW, Seans has become quite the artist in his own right!
brumeux77 (1 August 2022, 2:07) complain
Think of it as the Jack Nicholson of our corner of the universe.
Cheerful - good one.
The-Nono-Gram (15 July 2022, 8:55) complain
One of my favorite commenters on this site is Ultracritical. He is just what his name says he is, yet he is NEVER rude. He criticizes in a way that helps an artist grow.
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ultracritical (17 July 2022, 13:03) complain
I'm actually frequently rude as I'm about to be to bisondele after I'm done posting this. But I do my best not to actually be rude to the creators. They work hard to bring us these puzzles. My goal with any criticism is to give the perspective of a solver with fresh eyes. It's often very difficult to see the forest for the trees when making a creative work. Lately I haven't found much to be ultracritical about since I really only do mindscrub and NapA puzzles with any frequency. My time on this earth is limited (and rapidly approaching an end) so I only lend my time to creators I know will treat it well. That all said, thank you very much for the compliment.
Hall (11 October 2022, 7:45) complain
Yes! 100% agree! Although I don’t often sift through comments, whenever I find one of their comments (Or even yours!) I take time to read them. :-)
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The-Nono-Gram (11 October 2022, 21:16) complain
Please don't read any of my really old comments. At times I was an ass and I can't make those comments go away. :-(
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Hall (12 October 2022, 1:27) complain
All good, haha! I’ve probably seen worse comments on here.
Sandrabulando (16 July 2022, 23:25) complain
bjmgeek (29 June 2023, 20:14) complain
I like the smirk.
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