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Japanese crossword «The Scream»

Size: 19x32Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:18.07.22Author: mindscrub

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Ageleni (19 July 2022, 1:36) complain
I really liked seeing this one unfold. I knew you could do it!
Chorton (19 July 2022, 1:37) complain
Now this is the Scream!!!
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Author mindscrub (19 July 2022, 4:40) complain
Well, at least in nonogram land, this is Scream 2.
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ultracritical (19 July 2022, 7:08) complain
And let's all agree to stop there because the next 3 will only serve to irritate the fan base!
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Author mindscrub (19 July 2022, 8:09) complain
Yes, we don't need to churn out sequels for profits here.
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ultracritical (19 July 2022, 8:15) complain
But... but... original IP is unknown and unproven! And expensive!
Almost did the title, but persevered. Good one!
Phil_Jackson (19 July 2022, 7:47) complain
Much better thanks MindScrub.
Txema58 (19 July 2022, 15:53) complain
This has nothing to do with the movie Scream, it's Munch's scream.
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ultracritical (20 July 2022, 6:20) complain
The ONLY time you don't use the spoiler tag is when you actively spoil the puzzle? Come on man, have some dignity!
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Txema58 (20 July 2022, 11:38) complain
Don't mess up the puzzle, just report that it wasn't the scream movie.
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ultracritical (20 July 2022, 12:18) complain
No one thought it was the Scream movie. You literally posted an image of the inspiration of the puzzle. Just use the spoiler tag.
Sandrabulando (23 July 2022, 22:58) complain
El artista ya ha hecho un nonogram de un grito. Le pedieran p hacer este, el mas famoso de todo. Por esto se han hecho bromas sobre sequencias. Nadie ha hablado de peliculas, solo Usted, q ademas ha decidido q todos los demas son idiotas. Finalmente, a la gente no le gusta q se escriba la respuesta pq muchas vezes uno la lee sin querer antes de completar el puzzle. Pero mucho peor q ver la respuesta escrita es ver una image. Entonces, lo q hay q hacer es utilizar el boton de “spoiler”, asi uno lee el comentario solo si lo quiere. Una vez mas, Usted deveria aprender a se comportar en un forum.
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Txema58 (26 July 2022, 9:41) complain
Que yo sepa esto no es un foro, es un juego donde se puede comentar. No tomo a nadie por idiotas. Solo doy mi opinion y es tan valida como la de los intelectuales que comentan.
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Sandrabulando (26 July 2022, 19:59) complain
Usted ha respondido a una persona, q ademas no tenia nada a ver con la estoria, llamando a la gente de subnormales. Yo escribi idiota, qdo en la verdad Usted escribio subnormal. Pero subnormal no es menos ofensivo q idiota. Y si, la area de comentarios es un forum, y se espera q la gente sea educada. Pero por algo tenemos q agradecerle, ahora sabemos aqui q existe une peli llamada “El grito”. Muchisimas gracias.
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Txema58 (29 July 2022, 13:51) complain
El grito no es una pelicula es un cuadro muy famoso. De idiota tengo muy poco, lo que tengo es mucha cultura y no es culpa mia.
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Sandrabulando (29 July 2022, 20:38) complain
Todos aqui hablavamos solamente del quadro de Munch. Usted es la unica persona a mencionar una pelicula llamada “El grito”. Ahora, Usted ahora esta diziendo q no existe tal pelicula? Decidase :o)
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Sandrabulando (29 July 2022, 20:41) complain
En tiempo, a mi tanto me da si Usted es culto o no. Lo q me incomoda es q Usted es muy frequentemente grosero. Y p mi, la buena educacion es mas importante q la cultura. Eso dicho, no le contestare mas. Pasar bien.
The-Nono-Gram (20 July 2022, 1:26) complain
So, once again, Mr. Wonderful walked up and told me what it was BEFORE I was finished. I think he should do his own Nonograms.
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Txema58 (20 July 2022, 11:40) complain
The wonderful Lord tells you to go catch wind. I'm fed up with so many criticisms of subnormals.
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ultracritical (20 July 2022, 12:21) complain
You're being criticized because you're abrasive to the general vibe of this community. That may be a language issue sometimes but ruining a puzzle by not using spoilers is not language related. Just be decent.
The-Nono-Gram (20 July 2022, 20:18) complain
Since I wasn't talking about you, I am going to assume this comment isn't for me.
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Txema58 (22 July 2022, 14:16) complain
Es un poco para todos los que no paran de criticar mis gusto. Como ya lo dije critico lo que no me gusta y comento lo que me gusta. Punto y final.
Txema58 (22 July 2022, 14:19) complain
Si este comentario no es para mi, que hace en mi comentario?
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ultracritical (23 July 2022, 13:42) complain
It wasn't in your comments. It was the next comment, but not made in response to you.
Txema58 (20 July 2022, 11:41) complain
I see that you also made many puzzles, take your comments and apply them.
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ultracritical (20 July 2022, 12:35) complain
By the way, she wasn't talking about YOU.
The-Nono-Gram (28 July 2022, 20:09) complain
Let me be clear: I was talking TO you, but not ABOUT you. Mr. Wonderful happens to be my husband. He has a habit of walking up behind me and telling me what the puzzle is before I am finished, which he did for this puzzle. I am always amazed that he is right.
Sandrabulando (23 July 2022, 22:59) complain
Ruddles1325 (5 August 2022, 10:23) complain
Nicely done
andy11 (5 August 2022, 23:07) complain
I think he's seen something and gone oh! As in, my god look at that...
fqirytqles (4 September 2022, 4:12) complain
I saw it as I was finishing the last few pixels. Great result!
denisenyx (17 October 2022, 23:33) complain
Very Good :)
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