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Japanese crossword «1-2-taken, still taken!»

Size: 65x50Picture:5/10Difficulty:8/10Added:03.09.22Author: bird-fenix

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Jamic (6 September 2022, 17:58) complain
This shouldn't even be called a nonogram!

Nonograms are supposed to be solved by carefully analysing the numbers and the current state of the grid to deduce the correct answer; not by randomly checking squares and hoping that you will get lucky.

Come on, bird-fenix, your other submissions were so much better!
show: 3 🗨
Jamic (6 September 2022, 17:58) complain
Oh, and on a side note, I don't even understand what the picture is supposed to be.
tbturker (12 January 2023, 19:21) complain
I definitely agree.
jeebeeg (18 April 2023, 13:17) complain
for sure a nonogram, I disagree..
alpererhan (4 October 2022, 17:20) complain
A perfect one (except the picture)
xowl (18 October 2022, 22:42) complain
I have no idea what this picture means, but I generally enjoyed the puzzle (which is the important part)
tbturker (12 January 2023, 19:22) complain
The picture has no meaning for me. I couldn't get it.
nonolearner (28 October 2023, 0:13) complain
can anyone explain this?
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