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Japanese crossword «Bulldozer»

Size: 45x25Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:18.09.23Author: Laridae

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Chorton (19 September 2023, 2:47) complain
phew! That was hard with no x's
show: 6 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (19 September 2023, 7:01) complain
It was!
DAR5NESS (19 September 2023, 12:21) complain
you can actually put Xs by pressing right click.
show: 4 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (19 September 2023, 22:13) complain
Many of us don't do that on purpose. We like to solve puzzles without using Xs. You should try it some time.
show: 2 🗨
Code_Master (20 September 2023, 20:57) complain
Do you let the auto-x happen when a row or column is complete, or completely just white and black?
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (22 September 2023, 3:25) complain
I let the auto-x fill it in. I am not certain what others do.
The-Nono-Gram (19 September 2023, 22:15) complain
Hey! Welcome new nonogram solver! It is really good to see the community grow. I really hope you enjoy your time here. We can be a great deal of fun.
The-Nono-Gram (19 September 2023, 7:02) complain
Inquiring minds want to know, how does this even resemble a dozing bull? Or have you ever seen on used to move a bull?
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John_Robertshaw (19 September 2023, 11:46) complain
I have seen them moving cattle - the circumstances were not good.

I used to drive to Scotland a lot. In 2002 there was a foot & mouth outbreak and cattle had to be culled & burnt on pyres on the farms.

I passed many such farms on the M6 motorway as it passed through Cumbria and saw bulldozers loading the pyres.

The smell is imprinted in my brain to this day!
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (19 September 2023, 22:16) complain
I won't make some wise ass remark, because that is just sad.
DAR5NESS (19 September 2023, 12:22) complain
It's fun and you should try it especially for beginners.
Janet (20 September 2023, 4:42) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Jevanyn (4 July 2024, 0:26) complain
I was intimidated by all those 1's, but it turned out not to be that much more difficult, and makes sense for the picture :-)
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