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Japanese crossword «Grasshopper»

Size: 35x45Picture:6/10Difficulty:6/10Added:18.11.23Author: Chipalaka

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Chorton (19 November 2023, 2:54) complain
Oh No..I thought you would be our new 'small' artist...I cant do this its just too big.
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (20 November 2023, 8:02) complain
Seems that the work of this artist is designed so that it cannot be done without Xs.
wisekaren (19 November 2023, 20:12) complain
It's a great challenge - I ended up adding Xs. Hard to see without squinting at the thumbnail.
show: 2 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (20 November 2023, 8:01) complain
This artist's work is so busy Mr. Wonderful never has any idea what the outcome could possibly be.
show: 1 🗨
wisekaren (20 November 2023, 16:54) complain
And that's saying something! So at least he can't announce it to you when you're only a third of the way done solving. ;)
Scooter (20 November 2023, 15:20) complain
I really like this one! Difficult to see what’s going on full size, but in the thumbnail it’s apparent after a little head scratching. The subject is nicely camouflaged as it would be in nature.
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