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Japanese crossword «Pacarana»

Size: 45x26Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:19.11.23Author: Chipalaka

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Petse (20 November 2023, 8:32) complain
I had no idea what the title was referring to. So I had to find out. After completing the puzzle I knew something, but still had to search fore some more information.

Thank you, Chipalaka! Also for educating me ;)
andy11 (20 November 2023, 11:21) complain
Love the image. Have just read up about them, intriguing.
wisekaren (20 November 2023, 17:48) complain
I had to google it too! Really enjoyable to solve.
Chorton (21 November 2023, 2:31) complain
Well we live and learn!
msat (21 November 2023, 8:18) complain
Gosh, I had to read up on it, too. I have to say that I kind of identify with the subject...
show: 2 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (21 November 2023, 22:29) complain
I agree, you are rare!
show: 1 🗨
msat (22 November 2023, 5:32) complain
That's not one of the characteristics I was thinking of, but you made me smile. Thanks. :)
Leodian (10 December 2023, 6:35) complain
Have had a fascinating tour of google and youtube after solving this. Thank you for the education Chipalaka. Made my day!
kerwincormier (7 October 2024, 5:35) complain
Fun to solve.
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