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Japanese crossword «Cassowary»

Size: 35x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:04.10.24Author: imari13

The-Nono-Gram (5 October 2024, 8:08) complain
It was Tracy's first day at the aviary

And she was put in charge of the cassowary enclosure. She only looked away for a second, but that was enough time for one of them to escape! Tracy looked back and saw a flurry of wings and feathers as the great beast fled the area. She chased after it and heard in the distance a great commotion and the sound of terrified screams. She approached the scene and with horror observed two men, bloodied and mangled.
Tracy's manager came running up to her and witnessed the massacre.
"Do you have any idea who these men are? That one there is Keith Richards," yelled the manager, "and that one there is Mick Jagger!"
"Tracy, you've killed two Stones with one bird!"
fluffycows0 (9 October 2024, 15:31) complain
love love love
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