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Japanese crossword «Censored»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:24.12.16Author: Eric_Windeman

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Lesley (25 December 2016, 6:50) complain
not my cup of tea, there are plenty of things to make into these puzzles. no need for these sort.
AceJiggy19 (26 December 2016, 9:16) complain
Not going to agree with Lesley - presumptively, most of us on this site are adults, and know how to handle something like this maturely. I thought the puzzle itself was pretty tough in the areas where there lots of different tan shades.
starg8fans (16 February 2017, 9:53) complain
I agree with Kyle. The image is 'self-censored' and not explicit, so where's the problem? I always enjoy a creative image like this. Makes a nice change from all the ducks, flowers and teddy bears.
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