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Japanese crossword «Mambo»

Size: 36x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:12.04.17Author: RICH

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romulusnr (13 April 2017, 10:02) complain
papa loves mambo
mama loves mambo
sgw (19 April 2017, 10:03) complain
Wonderful! Colorful, great design, makes me want to dance!
Reinette (29 April 2017, 14:55) complain
I absolutely LOVE all the dance puzzles! Brilliant and super fun. Please keep them coming. What about a waltz next time?
MsSwifty (16 June 2017, 23:31) complain
Not enough contrast between the two browns (on my monitor, anyway) but otherwise a fantastic puzzle, colorful and fun to solve. Look forward to more!
Guest: klind (9 July 2018, 5:36) complain
Lovely!! And the subtle difference between the 2 browns is a really wonderful effect.
Catgirl (17 July 2020, 2:54) complain
It took me a while, but i had fun solving it and the result is really beautiful <3
GMoney (13 October 2021, 7:32) complain
Very fun! Great colors and movement.
Ellymayc (26 July 2022, 1:47) complain
Love this - the movement, the colour - I can hear the music! :)
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