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Japanese crossword «Strawberry»

Size: 19x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:19.04.17Author: Heinakuu

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Palouday (28 July 2017, 17:39) complain
Beautiful, plump and juicy.
FellHarbor (17 August 2017, 18:51) complain
I am now officially tired of red berry puzzles. lol Y'know, there are other type of fruit... Maybe let's do some veggies, get our balanced nutrients now? xP
Corpore (23 November 2017, 22:33) complain
Alyaa (16 December 2017, 14:41) complain
This is not bad at all but I'm getting sick of that fruit XD From now, I'm not doing anymore puzzles with those kind of colors. That way, I can't be disappointed :p
Nice pic though, if you're new on the site ;)
marina_v (14 March 2018, 8:38) complain
Guys, don't bother too much saying to the author that you're tired of certain images. These people are clueless about what's out there since they solved only a handfull of crosswords themselves. However, they added hundreds of puzzles. The idea of avoiding some colors is a good starting point;)
show: 1 🗨
Imda (15 August 2018, 12:58) complain
I agree, it's not the authors' fault if there is repetition. They aren't responsible for the content of the whole site. It would be good if people uploaded their own new puzzle subjects instead of complaining :)
hunnydub (2 January 2019, 13:35) complain
another strawberry, but it's the prettiest one yet!
msat (26 January 2020, 8:40) complain
As I completed this (actually, as I started it), I thought, "Uh, oh... another strawberry or watermelon -- here come the complaints!" Can't people just enjoy doing the puzzles? I don't understand getting "tired" of an image, especially since every one of them is different in some way.
show: 1 🗨
munkin (21 March 2020, 3:37) complain
Exactly my thought -- well, after I caught myself thinking "really -- another strawberry?' LOL! This one was exceptionally pretty.
franklinzhou (9 November 2020, 2:21) complain
there's not that many strawberries, only about 70 c'mon.
franklinzhou (9 November 2020, 2:25) complain
babsghia (7 December 2020, 23:45) complain
very pretty, reminds me of the little needle sharpener on a tomato pin cushion , thanks
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