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Japanese crossword «Flower»

Size: 17x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:15.08.17Author: Arina

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therese (24 August 2018, 0:54) complain
Tricky to start, but once you get the dark green going it gets easier. Lovely!
show: 1 🗨
munkin (24 June 2021, 0:32) complain
Exactly my experience -- I don't try to do these one color at a time, but I almost had to do this one that way!
kc_lind (12 November 2020, 4:29) complain
very pretty
babsghia (7 January 2021, 23:51) complain
lovely , looks like lace, thanks
Celandine (3 July 2021, 4:58) complain
Wow - so unusual! I like how each part is just one color - it's less realistic, perhaps, but very decorative.
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