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Japanese crossword «Gargoyle»

Size: 27x32Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:17.09.17Author: Snippety

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FellHarbor (18 September 2017, 18:29) complain
The constant color changes got annoying very quickly, and the puzzle itself was very predictable - I gave up trying to logic anything and just went across following the numbers. The image is interesting, but the puzzle wasn't very much fun.
Guest: leilani (18 September 2017, 20:49) complain
i can't see the picture? like i can't tell what it is. and the puzzle was quite boring with constant colour changes and very predictable
Alex_Vo (19 September 2017, 1:47) complain
nice picture!
Suohhen (21 September 2017, 0:20) complain
Color changes can be annoying but then again this is just a style of picture and it is very easy to tell its going to be that kind of picture from the numbers. As for being predictable, that is not a fair assessment of a picture as you don't have to cheat in such a way. My suggestion is to play black and white if you can't stop yourself.
silia (21 September 2017, 18:47) complain
Nice picture.It's different and unusual. I enjoyed solving it!
Author Snippety (28 September 2017, 19:19) complain
Thanks for the comments everyone. This was the first puzzle I've ever created, so it's great to get feedback on it. Having solved it myself I have to agree that the color variety didn't make for a good puzzle solving experience. I could've made the same picture with a smaller palette.
Alyaa (12 October 2017, 12:37) complain
The picture's awesome! A bit tedious to fill in indeed, but definitely worth it! Thanks!
David_King (17 October 2017, 8:55) complain
Fiddly but fun. Thank you, Snippety!
banjo001 (15 May 2018, 9:22) complain
interesting. Thank you
Alasea (2 December 2019, 18:39) complain
What can make a puzzle like this more interesting is fully filling in one color after another. At least it forces you to count carefully. :-)
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