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Japanese crossword «Berry»

Size: 41x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:07.11.17Author: Baychurina

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Rasterizer (10 November 2017, 1:48) complain
Need to rest my eyes now. Whew. Nice raspberry was worth it.
AceJiggy19 (10 November 2017, 15:21) complain
Jesus... easy, but wow.
Ishana (10 November 2017, 20:05) complain
Jesus! This is very nice picture but so damn tedious. It is not even a challenge, more paint by the numbers type of a thing. I think I lost my eyesight doing this. It would have been much nicer with one or two shades less. This way it is just extremely tedious.
Julie_Sanders (14 November 2017, 16:25) complain
Enjoyed it thank you
Guest: Christine (14 November 2017, 17:24) complain
Perhaps there should be a tag for ones like this, which take forever, very little challenge, but produce an awesome picture. There are times when I want a puzzle like this one, but more often I just end up finishing it from sheer bloody-mindedness, not because it's actually fun to do.
Micki_Macartney (16 November 2017, 18:31) complain
Great picture but boring to do
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