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Japanese crossword «Potion»

Size: 45x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:10.02.18Author: dxh

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Otelia_Dean (12 February 2018, 1:15) complain
Nice picture. Unfortunately I found the black and darkest grey difficult to distinguish, making it a bit of a hit and miss solution.
name (12 February 2018, 19:36) complain
hard to distinguish subtle shadings, but worth it for a nicely drawn picture
Melinda (13 February 2018, 20:17) complain
I agree. The darks are pretty hard to tell the difference between, but the new feature to click on the numbers to select the color is very helpful with that.
Merl (24 April 2018, 19:57) complain
Some of the colors were hard to tell apart, but the picture was beautiful and fun to solve!
Janet (18 August 2020, 8:37) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Sasha316 (7 May 2021, 3:30) complain
this was so tedious honestly, I'm just happy I finished it
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