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Japanese crossword «Agnus Dei»

Size: 45x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:12.04.20Author: nono-nono

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SonOfOrpheus (22 April 2020, 9:53) complain
Very frustrating. Way too much whitespace... had to guess several times to finally finish it.
Iwontcutmybeard (4 May 2020, 1:23) complain
I have to agree with SonOfOrpheus, this was a very difficult puzzel - and not very fun because of it. Perhaps in the future you could add some white shades instead of using solely negative space?
That said, thank you! You have a very interesting and distinctive style!
themezj (9 July 2020, 11:15) complain
Fantastic! So many puzzles are boring colouring so it's hard to find great challenges like this heaps of white space.
romuloescamilla (28 July 2020, 19:39) complain
as much as I love your puzzles, I agree with SonOf and Iwont... very frustrating with a lot of guesses for the size, and at the 60% I left it, it doesn't look as good as your other contributions.
show: 1 🗨
robi80 (14 November 2021, 21:23) complain
If you SonOf & Camilla don't like the difficult ones, you have the option to avoid them.
robi80 (14 November 2021, 21:22) complain
Thx Nono, excellent puzzle - and no need for guesswork. Keep up the good work.
Thx again
Guylaine (16 November 2021, 3:40) complain
I must admit I am puzzled by some of the comments. This puzzle is a good challenge but by now way too hard. In fact, it is fun because of the white spacing. Otherwise, it would be too easy! The puzzle doesn't necessitate any guess, just logic, counting and exclusion of color. This was well done, Nono. Thank you!
mfp (20 January 2022, 17:53) complain
Really excellent challenge and tricky right to the end. Thanks!
SAS (26 August 2022, 7:23) complain
Very difficult puzzle. Don't listen to the haters. There are so many easy puzzles on this site, let them do those. I love a tough puzzle. And some of your ideas are refreshingly unique. One does get tired of churches and copies of other peoples' artwork. I'd like more.
nonomai (9 August 2023, 23:16) complain
At last, a true challenge that doesn't rely on swaths of 1x1.
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