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Japanese crossword «SCAR-H»

Size: 48x17Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:13.04.20Author: Denis_Nikolaev

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nono-nono (13 April 2020, 23:45) complain
looks like a rifle
Ruth (14 April 2020, 19:03) complain
Interesting to do but poor subject matter
Guest: garner (14 April 2020, 21:30) complain
I almost didn't solve it given the author's name and his other recent puzzle. I find these offensive. Call me a snowflake if you wish.
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jacksjb (15 April 2020, 17:58) complain
How is it offensive? It's a piece of metal, plastic, and wood. It's an inanimate object.
show: 4 🗨
Guest: garner (15 April 2020, 22:10) complain
In the wrong hands, it is terribly offensive. While the picture was of the object, there is no doubt what it was designed for.
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phillip1 (15 April 2020, 23:42) complain
Anything in the wrong hands could be deadly!
jacksjb (16 April 2020, 17:44) complain
In the right hands it has also protected the world from fascists and national socialists.
AniW (26 April 2020, 8:53) complain
I wouldn't say it is offensive, but it is far more than inanimate materials. It represents something many of us feel are so easily accessed and used in outrageous acts. I am a teacher and when a 6 yr. old imitates using automatic weapons toward other babies on the playground, it makes me wish we see this pic as a weapon of war, not a recreational tool for hunting and certainly not as an inanimate object.
FaithCat (15 April 2020, 6:27) complain
While I appreciate the puzzle author's skill at puzzles. I don't care for subject matter in this and other recent puzzles in the same subject.
show: 1 🗨
swford (15 April 2020, 22:12) complain
phillip1 (15 April 2020, 23:40) complain
Great job!
Guest: I hate guns (16 April 2020, 0:10) complain
Very depressing that anybody thinks this is a suitable subject matter for a puzzle site
ndhHardy (17 April 2020, 5:04) complain
I like it! Very nice puzzle, Thanks for the break from flowers.
anpullmann (10 June 2023, 16:22) complain
There is always ample virtue signaling when a weapon is pictured but when there is a portrait of an actual murderer -- crickets. www.nonograms.org/nonograms/i/1304
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