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Japanese crossword «MP7»

Size: 25x21Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:15.04.20Author: Denis_Nikolaev

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Guest: NOGUNS (16 April 2020, 3:04) complain
AGAIN! Please ban this person with the guns!!!
show: 3 🗨
Merijn_van_Gurp (16 April 2020, 5:17) complain
Or you could just not do the puzzles he makes?
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E_OS (16 April 2020, 13:16) complain
Jimbobovalsocks (20 April 2020, 20:57) complain
Why on Earth would you want to ban someone for making puzzles of guns? Bizarre!
miles3659 (16 April 2020, 13:03) complain
No need for a ban … don't do the puzzles if you don't like them … or score them low on beauty.
They're not terribly challenging.
phillip1 (16 April 2020, 16:21) complain
Great Job!
Papa_Zulu (17 April 2020, 15:34) complain
I had to make pixelized versions of guns as a game developer in the past and I really like those puzzles as they remind me of my old job. They are somewhat different from the Pokemons and vegetables we usually have. To make it clear: I like pixelated guns, not real guns in private homes. But I am quite sure that nobody becomes a shooting criminal by solving Nonograms.
Guest: Bored now (18 April 2020, 0:01) complain
Denis, would it hurt to try something different? Tedious
show: 1 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (20 April 2020, 20:58) complain
Plenty of people are doing different images on here. Pick another author!
Sdawg_Colorado (19 April 2020, 6:22) complain
I like Denis' puzzles. If anyone Is so offended by an image of a gun, get off the site. It's the challenge not the image.
romuloescamilla (12 July 2020, 23:57) complain
I like these! a lot of people asking for flowers... more flowers? what else do you want? one thousand more minions? Great job, Denis! if any, i'd like to see them in a different angle than the 2d, but keep em coming!
Buckwheat (13 April 2021, 7:58) complain
Awesome puzzle! Great detail! Can't wait for more!
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