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Japanese crossword «G36C»

Size: 40x18Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:16.04.20Author: Denis_Nikolaev

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RebornCyclist (17 April 2020, 5:32) complain
Sick of the guns.
Guest: Jared (17 April 2020, 7:47) complain
Please keep making the gun puzzles so I can come here and laugh at the snowflakes crying about a pixelated image :)
Michael_Hinz (17 April 2020, 11:43) complain
Not a snowflake, but guns are boring.
FrankVork (17 April 2020, 11:56) complain
No pictures of guns,please. Too many around...
Papa_Zulu (17 April 2020, 13:57) complain
Keep them coming!
nthpijots (17 April 2020, 16:51) complain
Don't care for guns myself, but the little boys like them, so let them have their fun.
Nono_Granny (17 April 2020, 20:40) complain
I would like a third category for evaluation for the topic.
ExiledHippy (17 April 2020, 21:39) complain
I honestly don't understand all the outrage. Why not just think: "Oh, this is another image by Denis, so it's probably a gun, so I'll just skip over it." How hard can it be to do that? Why do so many people have to make a big deal about it?
show: 1 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (18 April 2020, 16:02) complain
Yes, I agree. Maybe it's a cultural thing? Guns are not a political issue in my country as gun ownership is very low. I think for the Americans and other countries guns are perhaps more of a political image? I don't know but whenever there is a gun image you can be sure it will upset some and lead to the predictable 'snowflake' comments from others.
Guest: Enough already (17 April 2020, 23:53) complain
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