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Japanese crossword «AUG A3»

Size: 36x16Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:17.04.20Author: Denis_Nikolaev

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Guest: No thanks (17 April 2020, 23:46) complain
No need to bother with this - we all know what it is going to be - please give it a rest
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Guest: author (18 April 2020, 1:04) complain
yeah, what's up with all of these?
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Brian_Peaden (18 April 2020, 17:20) complain
Maybe the creator just likes weapons? Not everyone has the same interests.
Brian_Peaden (18 April 2020, 17:19) complain
Or, you could just skip puzzles by this creator. Then, you don't see content you don't like, and the rest of us can continue to do puzzles that we aren't bothered by. Everybody wins.
beekerb (18 April 2020, 2:29) complain
no. I am not doing these to find weapons. Give me flowers... beautiful scenes. Give me things that lift me up.
Guest: Jared (18 April 2020, 5:31) complain
I can understand if you don't care for working these kinds of puzzles. I suppose I could even understand why the subject matter makes you uncomfortable. However, how hard is it to skip over the puzzles that are authored by Denis? The last thing I would ever do on this site is discourage an artist from creating content. That behavior is childish and selfish in my opinion.
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Sdawg_Colorado (19 April 2020, 6:26) complain

I really like doing these. They are fun.
Amanmir (18 April 2020, 12:02) complain
Nice, thanks! These are always fun to do!
trafick (18 April 2020, 17:07) complain
Good puzzle. Thank you
ndhHardy (24 April 2020, 0:20) complain
Notice how the complainers are always the first on the comment list. Since over 3000 people have done this particular puzzle so far, seems like very few are complaining. It's just a puzzle, and this one is quite good.
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PeaJam101 (28 February 2023, 14:12) complain
TBF this site lists comments oldest first and people are more likely to say something if they're upset than if they're happy. (Note how many people are complaining about the complainers compared to directly praising the puzzle)
Buckwheat (17 April 2021, 5:45) complain
Well done! This was super fun!
Frandalf (19 May 2021, 7:26) complain
I don't quite understand the hate, I'm not a huge fan of the picture but I had fun doing it and I'm not planning on complaining since this seems well made. People will really get mad at anything these days. Go complain about the dumb corn pic that pops up everywhere, and stuff that is stolen from other creators. Don't waste your time complaining about original content that clearly has thought put into it.
Mister_Stryker (17 March 2022, 8:33) complain
Hahahahah do you know how to draw anything else? I was about to do this puzzle and then saw your name and the horizontal box. It was like that other dude who did characters from the Office. I quit after the second one. hahaha Anyways, hoping to see some other puzzles from you that are less predictable. :)
Ageleni (31 May 2022, 8:22) complain
Nope. When I saw what it was going to be, I didn't finish it. My friend's son was murdered with one of these.
Lady_Descole (7 September 2022, 17:30) complain
Nice puzzle!
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