Japanese crossword «Sun»
Size: 20x20 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 15.09.10 |
show: 1 🗨
Enjoyed solving this. An imaginative approach. Thank you
replyshow: 1 🗨
Seriously. Use the spoiler box - it's the speech bubble at the bottom right of the text box.
9/30/20 I thought it was a weird skull and cross bones until I finished it.
i wish you can change the background color to see light colors better
replyI like the image and enjoyed the puzzle. I read the comments AFTER finishing the puzzles. When I saw the end result my heart sank...BUT initially as I trawled through the comments they were surprisingly positive...and then, of course, the uber critics (UCS) had to start on: the colours chosen, the shape, their belief that the image represented something else BLAH BLAH BLAH...thank heavens the (UCS) were not around when Da Vinci launched his Mona or Last Supper...
replyBrilliant! Literally. And fun to solve. Clever. Ignore the critics - this time and next and so on ...
I hoped it was a platter of dip with veggies. Must be afternoon tea time.