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Japanese crossword «Smiley»

Size: 10x10Picture:5/10Difficulty:3/10Added:26.02.16Author: Barva

grady (26 March 2016, 8:07) complain
You can do one of the colors all the way through without doing the other one.
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AliFox (27 November 2021, 18:38) complain
that's what I do for all of them
simplyammee (2 June 2016, 6:01) complain
Was wondering why it was so yellow! :D
Guest: The Perfectionist (29 July 2016, 20:01) complain
...That one tile...
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JustCarty (21 June 2019, 14:09) complain
It's really bothering me D:
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MantisGaming (16 December 2021, 9:28) complain
agreed lmao
catfire (20 April 2021, 23:08) complain
Josamy (21 January 2017, 1:51) complain
The missing yellow square is bothering me more than it should...
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bjmgeek (4 April 2019, 19:42) complain
If the square had been there, everyone would complain that it was too symmetrical.
Keith (23 February 2017, 7:00) complain
Actually, I think it is one extra on the left side. LOL
MissMarie (20 March 2017, 8:00) complain
Ugh, if you are suffering from OCD, don't do this puzzle... that extra square will keep me awake tonight ;)
kpschafer (7 May 2017, 0:21) complain
Miss Marie- as someone who struggles with OCD, your comment is extremely offensive. THAT is not OCD. It's literal h***.
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catfire (20 April 2021, 23:09) complain
llamas (8 September 2021, 23:43) complain
I agree with you. My boyfriend has OCD, and he would agree with you as well. OCD isn't just being neat or organized or liking things to be symmetrical, it is a real mental disorder that is really hard to deal with. It is draining and makes things take so much longer. But you probably already know that, so I guess I'm just preaching to the choir.
MissMarie (19 March 2024, 1:13) complain
I have not been on this site for years, so sorry for the late reply. It was not my intention to offend anyone. I am a bit bothered by the fact though that you assume you know what I have or have not been diagnosed with and that my comment was made in jest. OCD symptoms are not the same for everyone, and I would have been the first to tell you that I always thought I was on the spectrum as opposed to having OCD. It was actually a psychiatrist that said no, not autism spectrum but OCD.

I did not and do not intend to start a fight with anyone here, and I apologize if you thought I was trying to be funny. I shouldn't have put the winky face smiley at the end. Believe me, I know that OCD symptoms are not funny at all. I wish being bugged by an extra square was the extent of it.

So I hope we are all good now here and can just enjoy the puzzles.
StellarAria (7 November 2018, 16:27) complain
This puzzle made me happy! (besides the one little extra tile. that one really bugged me, but it's fine.) :)
heather-101977 (8 December 2018, 4:45) complain
Made me smile :)
I'd be in favor of removing the tiles in three corners instead of adding one bottom right.
michis_daughter (4 February 2019, 15:04) complain
He's not perfect, but he's still happy!
markceck (9 May 2020, 0:01) complain
Ahahah your comments make me laugh. Thank you!
annagigi14 (9 December 2020, 17:52) complain
creepy... :O XD no jkjk
laurend (19 January 2021, 20:18) complain
AHHH the extra tile!! lol
Tezcartes (7 July 2021, 2:17) complain
I thought it was a bee :(
AliFox (27 November 2021, 18:41) complain
there was a very similar one right below this one and I almost thought they were the same
DespOIcito (1 February 2022, 14:52) complain
30cminor (13 January 2024, 5:50) complain
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30cminor (13 January 2024, 5:50) complain
Bro what happened I typed emojis
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