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Japanese crossword «Dovakin»

Size: 20x19Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:27.02.16Author: Drunk_Snake

Emery (30 March 2016, 1:49) complain
FUS RO DAH! It's the Dovahkiin
Eva (5 April 2016, 12:46) complain
Baby Dovakhiin =P
Josh (11 April 2016, 21:11) complain
kbaley (16 April 2016, 18:06) complain
Had to give up on this one. Too hard for these old eyes to distinguish between colours 1 and 4.
grady (20 April 2016, 20:49) complain
Very tedious.
Ruruskadoo (28 April 2016, 4:59) complain
What a pain in the ass. I like the finished result, but the solving wasn't fun at all. the colors are too hard to distinguish and zillions of 1s all over the place make solving time consuming and tedious as ggg said.

Nice picture, terrible puzzle.
Guest: Helmi (14 May 2016, 2:53) complain
Not doing this one, with the 3 similar shades of grey...
Snail_Snail (6 July 2016, 3:14) complain
I liked this one. Pleasantly challenging and a cute picture, too--what's not to like? :)
Maiju (7 September 2016, 23:11) complain
Quite fiddly.
Ishana (11 October 2016, 19:51) complain
nice picture but pain in the a**
Asen (21 November 2016, 0:12) complain
Didn't realize that it was from Skyrim. Sadly, I was not able to finish Skyrim on my brother's PC because he had to reformat (virus).
Palouday (8 December 2016, 11:28) complain
Tough, tough, tough!
Corpore (2 January 2017, 12:55) complain
Quite hard for its size
Kroneye_Sallabargo (25 January 2017, 13:47) complain
Good one!! Great picture! I like the ones with the close shades in colours, makes for a better final picture.
Guest: loxie (28 April 2017, 11:46) complain
too many singles, colours too similar and sick to death of game and cartoon characters, just wasted part of my life doing this awful puzzle
FellHarbor (2 May 2017, 19:53) complain
I usually have a hard time with puzzles that have too-similar colors, but I didn't with this one; don't know why. I found it entertaining. Unlike Ioxie, I'm glad to see cartoon and game characters as there are only so many wine glasses and strawberries I can handle. :P
Jefff (7 May 2017, 23:03) complain
LMMB (20 May 2017, 20:33) complain
Colors way too similar. Otherwise a nice puzzle.
Annelie (26 August 2018, 8:33) complain
Tedious. Took me 10 minutes of intense concentration, but the result was nicer than most of these figures that I have absolutely no relationship to,
LogicLvr (16 January 2019, 3:44) complain
Don't know why everyone is complaining. Isn't the whole point to have a challenge once in a while? I enjoyed this one. Excellent puzzle for my 1,000th!
peterp16 (14 May 2019, 16:24) complain
I loved this picture. I don't know the character but it looks good. I like the similar colors because it adds shading and makes it look much better.
StormFlower (10 June 2019, 15:08) complain
I didn't have an issue with the shades of black, dark grey and light grey... maybe some of you should check the contrast on your computers. And yes, nice to see something that isn't another piece of fruit or a glass or bottle of some sort. Good job!
msat (5 June 2020, 13:28) complain
I don't understand why people are saying this one is hard. I did have some difficulty distinguishing the colours (albeit not as difficult as on some other puzzles) and found it tedious with all those single pixels (especially when you have to double check the colour), but the puzzle itself was pretty straightforward... and the final result is really cute.
magis (14 September 2020, 12:00) complain
lol - tricky, fun to solve and a nice pic!
RagnarokB1980 (22 March 2022, 2:38) complain
I hope no one found this too Fus-Ro-Da-rating. Because "frustrating" plus that iconic dragon shout would form the word... Okay, I'll show myself out now. LOL Love the puzzle though, and lord knows I spent more time playing Skyrim than I care to admit over the years.
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