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Japanese crossword «Alakazam»

Size: 54x56Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:27.03.24Author: Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen

iantgreat (28 March 2024, 23:31) complain
The first time I had ever learned of nonograms was in the video game Pokemon Picross on the 3DS, a freemium game that was genuinely a lot of fun. Comparing this INCREDIBLE Alakazam to the 15X15 puzzle from that game shows just how far we've come.
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ProfJamie20 (31 July 2024, 20:02) complain
Hey, that was my first introduction to nonograms too!! I still replay that game frequently! <3
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iantgreat (31 July 2024, 20:56) complain
Nice! It was my first ever "freemium" game I owned, and I played that daily to the point that I got every single thing in the game for free. I was kinda proud of myself for finishing the daily grind.
Woomy (2 April 2024, 22:41) complain
Took a while to finally get started on this one, but so satisfying once I did
robi80 (29 May 2024, 21:07) complain
nice, thx
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