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Japanese crossword «Vulpiks»

Size: 32x31Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:24.04.16Author: Arina

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sanda10 (23 November 2016, 0:48) complain
One more beautiful Pokemon!
Guest: marime (24 April 2018, 22:26) complain
not good
Sabine (3 February 2019, 3:14) complain
beautiful but not easy
omagis (9 May 2019, 22:25) complain
I like the realization of the pokèmon, but the colors are much different from the original one, olso the name isn't correct because it's Vulpix. It's a pity because the image is really good!
show: 1 🗨
dirtylo (26 February 2024, 22:42) complain
the American/english spelling isn't the only one
Guest: loxie (4 June 2019, 11:42) complain
The latin X symbol in Russian is the Cyrillic Kha or Ha sound. The 'ex' sound in Russian is produced by using CK or K. Thus the spelling on this puzzle is correct for a Russian speaker. Try not to be so parochial on an international site where many of the artists are Russian speakers.
hotmailjen (22 March 2020, 15:40) complain
Fun to do even though I do not know the characters.
AnjolietheRedPikmin (2 February 2022, 6:52) complain
I personally like the color change; a common problem with color puzzles is being unable to distinguish between one color and another. Replacing one of the browns with purple was a good decision, and I don't think the colors clashed at all. Did you test a bunch of different pallets before finding the best one?
Merl (10 July 2022, 4:56) complain
Isacoo (20 September 2022, 23:26) complain
My favourite pokemon! Gorgeous!
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