Japanese crossword «Diplodocus»
Size: 30x27 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 29.01.25 | Author: Rainfall-mat |
When I saw the color palette, I was skeptical about how fun this would be. But it was actually quite enjoyable - and a such a satisfying image. Thank you!
replyParádní barvy. To já říkám pořád, jak víme, že byli dinosauři zelení? Co když byli fialoví s růžovýma puntíkama a žlutýma nohama? :-D
replyThis was fun - thanks for this interesting and charming small puzzle!
replyNice work adding some depth and color to what could have been a simple image.
This is a good one to try without using Xs.
replyThis is a good one to try without using Xs.