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Japanese crossword «Johnny Cage»

Size: 29x23Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:26.04.16Author: kosh543

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sanda10 (28 November 2016, 4:54) complain
Mortal Kombat Again???
Guest: loxie (29 June 2017, 13:02) complain
dreadful subject matter. the darkest grey and the black are too similar to distinguish. I gave up on this one as its awful
Guest: LOXIE (3 July 2017, 16:21) complain
I agree -sick to death of these characters and grey/black too close in colour - just awful
Guest: Kimberly (16 October 2018, 17:53) complain
I actually liked the color scheme, although I could probably do without the Mortal Kombat and Pokemon characters. If you look at the puzzle in micro size after finishing, it looks nicer. I think maybe Loxie forgot that he/she had commented already. ;)
assassinassassin1 (13 August 2021, 20:43) complain
I rather enjoyed the picture and the puzzle.
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