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Japanese crossword «Profession (rebus in Russian)»

Size: 35x23Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:19.08.16Author: la34370

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name (8 March 2018, 5:09) complain
I'm stumped: I've got pi, a head of church (king? bishop?), and an equation u = c, possibly speed of light?
Just a hint? Am I on the right track?
Sheryl_Hill (24 May 2018, 7:45) complain
If you're stumped and you understand Russian, go to nonograms.ru. If you don't understand Russian, you won't be able to solve this. :)
Kira_M (28 June 2018, 20:14) complain
Nicely done; Clerk. It's like '4 King & Country' logo. Logic is required to solve this anagram
Guest: Gost (28 August 2018, 22:09) complain
I speak some Russian, so I followed Sheryl Hill's suggestion and went over there. That's a pi, and the king is a tsar, and the Russian commenters all got pi + tsar = pisar, which means "clerk". None of the commenters said anything that I could understand about the equation down in the corner. I did some Googling using a couple options for the letters (the u could be a couple different things, the c is definitely a c which in Russian is an s) but I didn't find anything - I sort of thought, IDK, it could be some standard accounting equation like something you'd find on a profit and loss sheet?? Whatever, all of the Russian commenters agreed it was definitely a rebus for a clerk. ...Which Kira M also said above, but I didn't get it immediately. Sorry Kira!
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Cathrine (6 November 2018, 23:32) complain

According to google translate, which I use as I don't speak Russian, the spelling for tsar is "царь", so the first letter is replaced by a "с".
show: 1 🗨
Wolf1340 (9 August 2022, 11:58) complain
So, Catherine, it's pi czar ... Pixar!
Karal_Daskin (28 October 2018, 10:29) complain
Fun to work
smartymarty (18 July 2019, 17:23) complain
low enjoyment quotient for an english speaker
Michael_Driggers (15 November 2019, 22:26) complain
not bad
ddb (17 October 2023, 11:32) complain
Im guessing pi + tsar = pizza?
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