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Japanese crossword «Food? Food!»

Size: 15x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:09.08.20Author: Lalopop

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marina_v (9 August 2020, 23:20) complain
Oh, don't lift it away!
GulfCoastGuppy (9 August 2020, 23:49) complain
Very cute!
The-Nono-Gram (10 August 2020, 0:00) complain
I have recently uncovered secret documents that prove Lalopop is a secret MENSA member.
show: 9 🗨
msat (10 August 2020, 1:22) complain
Yes, these are toughies! I don't think I've made it through a Lalopop puzzle yet without using a hint...
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The-Nono-Gram (10 August 2020, 1:55) complain
That should be your new goal. You can do it, but it does require mental gymnastics.
mnk (11 August 2020, 2:20) complain
Whenever you use a hint, you should take a minute to figure out why those squares are able to be solved. Once you figure out the logic, you'll learn a new trick to use in the future. Lalopop puzzles have served as excellent learning experiences for me.
John_Robertshaw (10 August 2020, 1:49) complain
MENSA - as in Makes Every Nonogram So 'Ard?
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The-Nono-Gram (10 August 2020, 1:56) complain
Using the British habit of not pronouncing the H was pretty darned clever.
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John_Robertshaw (10 August 2020, 11:28) complain
I originate from Yorkshire - a place where only VERY posh people are aware that it is possible for some words to begin with the letter H!!!
show: 2 🗨
John_Robertshaw (10 August 2020, 15:22) complain
Harrogate is a posh town in Yorkshire - so it has a H.
I was born in (H)Alifax, which is not far from (H)Udderfield but I was raised in (H)Ebden Bridge.

My ancestors lived in a little village called (H)Eptonstall situated on top of an 'ill - above (H)Ebden Bridge. (H)Ebden Bridge is very near to (H)Aworth - where the Bronte sisters lived.

Phew that hexhausted me!!!
show: 1 🗨
Specky1 (5 August 2023, 12:46) complain
Eckers like , great comment !
SherylLHill (22 August 2020, 21:37) complain
Ageleni (10 August 2020, 2:12) complain
I didn't find this as hard as some others apparently did. Got it done in about six minutes with no hints and only one wrong turn.
Amanmir (10 August 2020, 11:27) complain
A bit of a tougher start, but it all fell to place after finding one key square - took me 10 minutes to finish (no hints or mistakes)
torwul (10 August 2020, 15:31) complain
Hmm...nice challenge. Thanks.
Koralek (11 August 2020, 0:27) complain
12 minutes. Not so hard.
EleVic (11 August 2020, 3:06) complain
I love it!
ThreeAdults (13 August 2020, 21:12) complain
Confusion reigned after we completed this image, and even after one of us explained the elements of the picture to the other, there was a differing opinion.

Normally such discord is resolved with a space hopper race around the coffee table, but on this occasion harmony was restored before we had to take such drastic measures. Biscuits were eaten and discussion was had and we all agreed that it was a decent, if not totally understandable depiction of the scene described.
hannahd (17 August 2020, 2:37) complain
This was my first lalopop one without a hint or wrong move, and in under 10 minutes too!
Janet (9 September 2020, 11:29) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Ponnuki (22 September 2020, 0:19) complain
I see a building in fire. The puzzle was fun to solve, thank you.
kkezir (13 January 2021, 23:26) complain
smkim000 (26 March 2021, 7:36) complain
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